Die mutigste Redneragentur der Welt

More aboute the brave speak­ers

Who we are

Our speak­ers are van­guards because they are brave. They encour­age by their story alone. We call our van­guards THE BRAVE SPEAK­ERS.

What we do

How do we change some­thing that’s in con­trol of us? How do we defeat fear? Coura­geous lec­tures by coura­geous speak­ers will answer these ques­tions. Let your­self be encour­aged to real­ize even the seem­ingly unat­tain­able.

Why us?

Every­one needs courage. A life­time. In the book 5 things the dying regret the most say the most: I wish I had had the courage to live my life. Do you live your life?

Every­one needs courage. A life­time. Do you live your life?

What makes a Brave Speaker?

Every­one needs courage. A life­time. In the book 5 things the dying regret the most say the most: I wish I had had the courage to live my life. Do you live your life?

Every­one needs courage. A life­time. In the book 5 things the dying regret the most say the most: I wish I had had the courage to live my life. Do you live your life?

Become Speaker

What is courage?

Nicola De Nit­tis from THE BRAVE SPEAK­ERS in con­ver­sa­tion with Ger­ald Hüther


A con­ver­sa­tion about “Courage” between Ger­ald Hüther and Nicola De Nit­tis of THE BRAVE SPEAK­ERS.