Maximilian Schwarzhuber

Expert for per­sonal respon­si­bil­ity

Brave Speakers Keynote Speaker Maximilian Schwarzhuber

Max­i­m­il­ian Schwarzhu­ber

Expert for personal responsibility

„It’s not the cir­cum­stances that make you a vic­tim, it’s your answers.”

At the age of two, Max­i­m­il­ian Schwarzhu­ber woke up after a nap with a paral­y­sis of both feet. Many years full of pain, set­backs and innu­mer­able hos­pi­tal stays fol­lowed. Schwarzhu­ber almost lost his blad­der and both kid­neys. At 24 he makes the hard­est and most momen­tous deci­sion of his life: the ampu­ta­tion of both his feet.

Only 136 days after the oper­a­tion Schwarzhu­ber runs already his first 10 km run. Since then he has faced some other chal­lenges like
Half marathon, triathlon, marathon and many more mas­tered.

With his sport­ing achieve­ments, he exem­pli­fies what he talks about on the stage: “It’s your deci­sion to be vic­tim or win­ner”, said the moti­va­tional expert and pas­sion­ate speaker from Upper Bavaria. Pro­fes­sion­ally, he shows exec­u­tives, entre­pre­neurs and ath­letes, how they can reach their full poten­tial. Enthu­si­as­tic as a speaker and Max­i­m­il­ian Schwarzhu­ber moti­vates sem­i­nar and lec­ture par­tic­i­pants with his unique and mov­ing life story.

Cir­cum­stances does not mat­ter but the answers we have to them.”

What is your answer?

Lec­ture Top­ics

Leadership, Motivation, Self-Management