Tobias Raja Fischer

The excel­lence of relax­ation

Brave Speakers Keynote Speaker Tobias Raja Fischer

Tobias Raja Fis­cher

The excellence of relaxation

„When the dark­ness becomes too pow­er­ful, enlight­en­ment helps you more than a flash­light.”

A really good story needs a good nar­ra­tor. Tobias Raja Fis­cher is a good story him­self and he knows how to tell it. His life resem­bles a jour­ney whose stages were often dif­fi­cult and stony and some­times even seemed hope­less. He grew out of a child­hood marked by the chaotic cir­cum­stances of his mother’s life and his father’s absence. Chang­ing expe­ri­ences with fos­ter fam­i­lies even­tu­ally led to tem­po­rary accom­mo­da­tion in var­i­ous children’s homes.

To be inde­pen­dent to a high degree at a very early age was by no means the youthful-​​naive desire for free­dom, but rather part of an instinc­tive sur­vival strat­egy. The devoted engage­ment with Far East­ern mar­tial arts has not only helped to chan­nel aggres­sion, reduce stress and man­i­fest a resilient self-​​esteem, but has also for the first time pro­vided a form of seren­ity in this rest­less life, in which con­flicts always play a far too large role.

But there is no goal to be found, time does not pass in order to advance a devel­op­ment, it rather con­ceals a stand­still. And sud­denly it becomes an incred­i­bly valu­able com­mod­ity. Time sud­denly becomes scarce, and really scarce. A life-​​threatening dis­ease, with­out any warn­ing. From the dojo to the inten­sive care unit. Days between life and death. Just as dra­matic as it sounds.

Then the long way back to life. And the even longer way back to a self-​​determined life, per­haps for the very first time. These expe­ri­ences are valu­able. Shar­ing them, shar­ing them becomes the first real call­ing. A long jour­ney has finally found its end. But first of all it feels like a deserved vic­tory and a moment later already like the start­ing point of a new excit­ing pas­sage.

Lec­ture Top­ics

Health, Resilience, Self-Esteem