Sebastian P. Schild

Expert in inner strength

Brave Speakers Keynote Speaker Sebastian Schild

Sebas­t­ian P. Schild

Expert in inner strength

„Fly when you can’t walk any­more…”

Fly when you can’t walk any­more ….” is the motto of life of a young man who has the rare gift of see­ing the sil­ver lin­ing on the hori­zon even in the dark­est times. Sebas­t­ian P. Schild was born on 09.11.1984 in Wup­per­tal. His para­ple­gia is a con­se­quence of an acci­dent in 2005. Since then he has moti­vated as a speaker, moti­va­tion trainer and hyp­no­sis coach with lec­tures on the sub­ject of bar­ri­ers, hope and self-​​esteem. Dur­ing his lec­tures and train­ings, he man­ages to sweep the audi­ence along on an excit­ing jour­ney through the light and shadow of life.

Hello, my name is Sebas­t­ian Schild,

I am a lec­turer and keynote speaker. I was born and grew up in beau­ti­ful Wup­per­tal. Early on I won­dered how the world works and what holds it together. In addi­tion to my inter­est in tech­nol­ogy and nature, I played roller hockey in a Bun­desliga team.

After a seri­ous traf­fic acci­dent in 2005, I am sit­ting in a wheel­chair due to para­ple­gia. Since then, 80% of my body has been par­a­lyzed. Now I con­cen­trate on my strengths. Because I real­ized very fast that a men­tal strength became of enor­mous impor­tance for my life.

Since then I have been inten­sively occu­pied with the top­ics of sub­con­scious­ness, per­cep­tion and self-​​esteem. In addi­tion to my hyp­nother­apy train­ing and the NLP Mas­ter, I have com­pleted fur­ther train­ing in coach­ing. I found out that the best thing for me is to take my life into my own hands. And if I can do that… then every­one can. I dis­cov­ered my voca­tion to moti­vate peo­ple to lead a life full of joy and self-​​confidence.

Cur­rently I am work­ing as a speaker. As a peer, I accom­pany freshly injured peo­ple dur­ing the first days after reha­bil­i­ta­tion for the Asso­ci­a­tion for the Pro­mo­tion of Para­plegics. With my impulse lec­ture it is my goal as a speaker to inspire peo­ple to take their hap­pi­ness in life into their own hands.

It has become my voca­tion to help peo­ple to make a change, to let go of fears, to have more courage, to real­ize their dreams, to accept them­selves as they are and thus to sig­nif­i­cantly increase their qual­ity of life.

Lec­ture Top­ics

Resilience, Self-Esteem, Self-Management