Sebastian Wächter

Expert for barrier-​​free think­ing

Brave Speakers Keynote Speaker Sebastian Wächter

Sebas­t­ian Wächter

Expert for barrier-free thinking

„From prob­lem finder to prob­lem solver — this is how change works!”

One sec­ond, one wrong deci­sion in hik­ing. Bro­ken neck. Diag­no­sis: Cross sec­tion of cer­vi­cal ver­te­bra. 95% of the mus­cles are par­a­lyzed, for­ever. Sebas­t­ian Wächter over­comes this stroke of fate. He becomes a pre­mier league player in a rugby wheel­chair, stud­ies busi­ness math­e­mat­ics with a master’s degree and becomes a stock ana­lyst in a pri­vate bank.

But above all, he man­ages to get back from nurs­ing care to an inde­pen­dent life.

He now shows indi­vid­u­als and busi­nesses how to break through the bar­ri­ers in his head after the acci­dent to get the most out of his sit­u­a­tion. He talks about moti­va­tion, change and diver­sity and helps DAX com­pa­nies to make their processes “barrier-​​free”. He skill­fully bridges his own expe­ri­ences with the prob­lems of his audi­ence and offers solu­tions. Always with a pinch of humor. The audi­ence turns from prob­lem seek­ers into prob­lem solvers.

The ARD says: “A wel­come change!

Be curi­ous to see what insights he has brought to you from more than 10 years of cross sec­tion work.

Top­ics /​ Lec­tures:

Due to his own stroke of fate, Sebas­t­ian Wächter has devel­oped per­spec­tives that allow him to authen­ti­cally con­vey the con­cept of “Barrier-​​free in the mind”. Instead of blank the­ses, the whole thing is gar­nished with per­sonal expe­ri­ences and a pinch of humor. In this way, the audi­ence is emo­tion­ally involved and tar­geted impulses can be set. The mir­ror is play­fully held in front of the listener’s own behav­iour. He ques­tions him­self self-​​critically and a last­ing expe­ri­ence is cre­ated. The fol­low­ing speeches are offered on the top­ics of change, moti­va­tion and diver­sity:

A lit­tle change can nev­er­the­less every­one – the cor­rect Mind­set for rad­i­cal change processes

Growth Mind­set – Break Down Your Bar­ri­ers in Your Head

Look​.at​.Me – How com­pa­nies ben­e­fit from inclu­sion

Lec­ture Top­ics

Change, Motivation, Resilience