Rüdiger Böhm

Expert for Moti­va­tion & Change

Brave Speakers Keynote Speaker Rüdiger Böhm

Rüdi­ger Böhm

Expert for Motivation & Change

„Bor­ders arise in your head — don’t let your­self be hin­dered!”

Rüdi­ger Böhm is pure moti­va­tion, real emo­tion and true enthu­si­asm! The expert for change impresses with his unique life story. As a top ath­lete he loses both legs and almost his life in a tragic traf­fic acci­dent shortly before his 27th birth­day. 30 days of coma, 30 weeks of hos­pi­tal and a long way back fol­low. Rüdi­ger accepts this extreme change pow­er­fully and fights his way back into a ful­filled and extremely sporty life.

Today the men­tal coach is full of life again. He is a role model for every­one and shows new per­spec­tives for per­sonal suc­cess and men­tal strength. As the only soc­cer coach with­out legs with the high­est DFB trainer license, he trained many of today’s Bun­desliga pro­fes­sion­als. He knows what it takes to suc­cess­fully mas­ter even extreme changes, achieve great goals and form top teams. What applies to top-​​class sport also applies to the com­pany! Pas­sion­ate and full of energy, the moti­va­tion expert inspires the audi­ence in his lec­tures.

Böhm encour­ages never to give up and to con­stantly over­come his lim­its for per­sonal and entre­pre­neur­ial suc­cess. With his very own com­bi­na­tion of depth and humour, he sums things up. Sim­ply clear, super authen­tic and in any case inspir­ing, that’s what his lis­ten­ers say.

Lec­ture Top­ics

Change, Motivation, Personality Development