Dörte Maack

Expert for self-​​responsibility

Brave Speakers Keynote Speaker Dörte Maack

Dörte Maack

Expert for self-responsibility

„You’re hold­ing the pen­cil you use to write the chap­ters of your life!”

Dörte Maack is 25 years young when she is diag­nosed with a rare eye dis­ease. She will go blind. At this time she is suc­cess­ful with her com­edy– and The­atre com­pany on the way. A mas­sive break for the trained trapeze per­former. Her A life­long dream bursts into a felt free fall. Des­ti­na­tion dis­abil­ity?

The low point becomes a turn­ing point.

Dörte Maack lands on the ground of new plans. Com­pletely blind, she stud­ies sports, Lin­guis­tics and ped­a­gogy. She will be part of the team of DIA­LOG IM DUNKELN® at the Head­quar­ter Ham­burg, builds up the edu­ca­tion sec­tor on its own respon­si­bil­ity and designs Work­shops for exec­u­tives in light­less rooms. In 2007, their unique con­cept will be pre­sented at the at the World Eco­nomic Forum in Davos. More than 250,000 exec­u­tives world­wide have since expe­ri­enced work­shops under the guid­ance of blind coaches, whose inten­sity of expe­ri­ence has led to sus­tain­abil­ity.

Of course stage!

To bring their human inter­ac­tion bril­liance from the work­shops back on stage, was the result almost by itself for the crowd-​​puller. Any­one who knows her will bring her to her Stage. Dörte Maack refined her skills for per­for­mance, rhetoric and pre­sen­ta­tion. with Sabine Asgodom and René Bor­bonus. Her dis­arm­ing light­ness paired with the clar­ity of a down-​​to-​​earth North Ger­man soul and the no one may escape.

In her lec­tures she reports openly and with­out shy­ness of despon­dency and doubts, of the Fight­ing and being despon­dent, from becom­ing free and cel­e­brat­ing suc­cesses. The moment has a deep effect, in who real­ized that despite blind­ness, the num­ber of her pos­si­bil­i­ties never decreased. had become.

Dörte Maack opens her audience’s eyes to the fact that super­hero pow­ers are not The key to over­com­ing a cri­sis is not what we focus on. It is our view, which decides how much room for manoeu­vre we see. It is our Act­ing that decides how much life we expe­ri­ence.

Lec­ture Top­ics

Change, Communication, Motivation