Hendrik Habermann


„My blind daugh­ter has opened my eyes!”

Hen­drik Haber­mann knows how to over­come dif­fi­cul­ties and strokes of fate.

His first daugh­ter was born in 2008 with severe mul­ti­ple dis­abil­i­ties. At the same time, the entre­pre­neur, who had already founded his first joint com­pany with his brother as a high school grad­u­ate, almost had to declare bank­ruptcy in the course of the eco­nomic cri­sis. A few years later, his wife and another child decided to have another child – and they had triplets.

Hen­drik Haber­mann is famil­iar with extreme fam­ily and entre­pre­neur­ial sit­u­a­tions. He knows what it’s like when life unex­pect­edly col­lapses over you with full force and famil­iar life plans can no longer be kept. Then he cre­ates emo­tional and prac­ti­cal solu­tions. Even where oth­ers can no longer see them. Where peo­ple despair because deep, life-​​changing crises seem to make the future impos­si­ble.

He knows from his own expe­ri­ence how such sit­u­a­tions feel. He knows the ter­rain and the paths that lead up. He helps, car­ries part of the lug­gage and accom­pa­nies you on your steep ascent – prag­mat­i­cally and strictly solution-​​oriented. Hen­drik Haber­mann is the Sherpa.

He shows a prac­ti­ca­ble and real­is­tic approach to a solu­tion that is adapted to the sit­u­a­tion and the indi­vid­ual and sup­ports the accep­tance and han­dling of fate and the new cir­cum­stances of life. He finds a new, liv­able per­spec­tive and brings the affected entre­pre­neur back to high per­for­mance.

Hen­drik Haber­mann is a rebel – in busi­ness and in life, who does not take fate for granted, but tries to change it. He is con­stantly ques­tion­ing and is always ready to change every­thing. He is the trail­blazer for the post-​​fatal phase of life – prag­matic, hands-​​on, solution-​​oriented, but also and above all empa­thetic and respon­si­ble.

His own story is mov­ing. He too has expe­ri­enced almost hope­less sit­u­a­tions – and mas­tered them self-​​determinedly. He under­stands com­pre­hen­sive, exis­ten­tially threat­en­ing cri­sis sit­u­a­tions. And he knows the ways, the con­tact points and the options – both for solu­tions before the per­sonal and fam­ily back­ground as well as before the entre­pre­neur­ial back­ground.

Lec­ture Top­ics

Change, Entrepreneurship, Personality Development